A uniquely River Park tradition.
Formed in 1954, The River Park Mother’s Club was founded to promote the welfare of children, raise the standards of home life, and provide social and educational activities for children and parents. Generations of moms and families have bonded through the club, making River Park one of the best neighborhoods in Sacramento.
2022 Leadership Board
Elise Brown
Stephanie Stokes
Morgan Chow
Kaylie Barrett
Sally Nguyen
Sarah Haynes
Katie McDonough-Pape
Michelle Early
Kathleen Rooney
Megan Knize
Callista Polhemus
Katie Cole
Established 1954
Article 1
Name, Objective, and Purpose
Section 1 - Name
The name of this organization is River Park Mothers’ Club (referred to hereinafter as “RPMC”).
Section 2 - Objective and Purpose
RPMC is a not-for-profit, member-led organization.
The specific purpose of this organization is to provide a member-led group for mothers, expectant mothers, grandmothers and adopting parents that provides: opportunities for River Park residents with newborn through school-aged children to meet neighborhood families with children of similar ages; an environment wherein families can develop friendships and community connections, exchange information, interact with other parents, children, and families, and have fun. RPMC members enjoy evenings out, evenings in, neighborhood play dates, building friendships, support and encouragement, sharing ideas and talents, and connection through personal interactions, online social networks, and the RPMC website.
RPMC is noncommercial, nonpolitical, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan.
Article 2
Members, Dues, Fees, and Roster
Section 1 – Members
The qualifications of RPMC members are as follows: Any woman resident who resides in River Park and has a child/children (newborn through school age), grandchildren, or is expecting her first child may be a member of RPMC. Upon becoming a member, a member maintains her membership by paying dues, even if she moves out of River Park.
Each member shall be entitled to one vote at each annual election of the Board of RPMC (referred to as install) and on any matter submitted to a vote of the general membership.
Each member is responsible for the well-being, safety and behavior of their child/children while attending playgroups or any RPMC events.
RPMC membership is designed for mothers looking for support, connection, and friendship within the community and who have the time and desire to attend and participate in RPMC events.
Members are encouraged to:
Attend the annual meeting of the membership (referred to as install) at the beginning of the year. Members who must miss this event should contact the leadership board within one week of the install to receive any announcements and sign up to volunteer.
Help at or host an event during their membership.
Attend one event per year in addition to the install. (This can be the same event the member hosts or helps with.)
Acknowledge the receipt of and reading of the RPMC Bylaws.
Section 2 - Dues
All members must pay dues as deemed by the board. Membership is paid annually on a recurring basis, as of the first date of payment.
Should membership due pose a hardship on a prospective member, the board can vote to offer a 1 year free membership.
Dues are non-refundable.
Dues cover administrative costs and other expenses of RPMC.
Section 3 – Potential Additional Fees
RPMC Board’s goal is to provide events with the financial support of dues. The leadership board strives to keep expenses low; however, there may be times when the RPMC Board asks members to donate food, drinks, or supplies for an event. There may also be times when RPMC charges a fee for services or events. Participation in fee-based events is always optional.
Section 4 - Roster
An RPMC member roster, or directory, with contact information is available and maintained on the RPMC website and social media.
Article 3
Membership Termination
Section 1 – Membership Termination
Termination by Member
A member may voluntarily terminate her membership by notifying the RPMC membership coordinator, treasurer, and/or president. The terminating member will be removed from all RPMC directories, rosters, RPMC social media, and networks.
Termination by RPMC Leadership Board
The leadership board may terminate a member based upon the leadership board’s determination. Reasons for termination may include, but are not limited to, the following:
A member failing in a material and serious degree to observe the RPMC Bylaws.
A member or someone in the member’s household threatening, intimidating, or otherwise interfering with the purpose and function of RPMC or its membership.
A member or someone living in that member’s household engaging in conduct seriously prejudicial to the purposes and interests of RPMC.
When feasible and appropriate, the leadership board will make every effort to resolve the situation before terminating a member.
The terminated member will be removed from RPMC directories, rosters, RPMC social media and networks.
Article 4
Board, Meetings, and Budget
Section 1 – Board
The RPMC Board consists of a leadership board and a coordinating board. Detailed job descriptions will be maintained separately from the Bylaws to allow for flexibility and adaptation to changing needs.
The leadership board, a minimum, includes:
Membership coordinator/Treasurer
Events coordinator
The leadership board may add additional coordinating positions to the leadership board based on the needs of RPMC and the talents of RPMC members in any given year.
The coordinating board positions may include, but are not limited to:
Community ambassador
4th of July coordinator
Fundraising coordinator
New mom liaison
Newsletter coordinator
Playgroup coordinator
RPNA liaison
Section 2 – Meetings
The RPMC Board meets every two months, or more often based on the needs of RPMC.
The RPMC Board meets a minimum of two times each year.
An annual meeting of the membership (referred to as install) is held at a place designated by the RPMC Board at least once per calendar year for the purposes of electing members of the RPMC Board and for the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting.
Special meetings of the members may be called by the leadership board.
Sufficient notification will be given to the members stating the place, date, and hour of the meeting.
Section 3 – Budget
The RPMC Board sets the annual budget.
The budget, and any changes to the budget, must be approved by majority vote of the RPMC Board.
Board members may vote in person, via email or online.
All deposits and withdrawals of RPMC monies must be in alignment with the approved budget and documented by the treasurer.
Financial records are available to all RPMC members for review.
Article 5
Term of Office, Elections, and Vacancies, Removal, or Exit of a Board Member
Section 1 - Elections
Nominations for board positions will be accepted at the end of the year. Elections will be held at the annual install.
Board members will be approved by the entire membership by live vote, via email, or online via social media. Members receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected board members.
If more than one member seeks the same coordinating board position, an election will occur.
The incoming board and the outgoing board will hold a joint meeting following the install.
The RPMC Board may prescribe some other reasonable method to identify qualified candidates for election to the RPMC Board or to conduct the election.
Section 2 – Term of Office
Term of office is a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years in the same position, with the exception of treasurer. The treasurer is permitted to remain in office up to four years, if the leadership board approves the decision.
Appointment and installation of officers will occur at the beginning of the year at the annual install.
Section 3 – Vacancy or Removal of an Elected Board Member
If a board member chooses to vacate her position prior to the completion of her term, she should make every effort to find a replacement. In the event a replacement is not found, the remaining board members will attempt to find a replacement board member or distribute duties as needed.
If a board member fails to attend three consecutive board meetings without reasonable explanation, the leadership board may declare the position vacated and find a replacement board member or distribute duties as needed.
Article 6
Amendments and Dissolution
Section 1 - Amendments
The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided that the proposed amendments were previously distributed to the members via email or hard copy. A quorum shall consist of ten percent of the voting membership. If a quorum is not present, a majority of the members present may adjourn the meeting after setting a new date and time for the membership to meet.
Section 2 – Dissolution
In the event of dissolution of RPMC, any money in the treasury will be dispersed to a non-profit charitable organization, chosen by majority membership vote.